(+36) 1 299 8500
The legal predecessors of Ganz Machinery Works Holding group can be traced back to the beginning of the Hungarian industrialization in the middle of the 19th century, to the foundation of Ganz in 1844 and of MÁVAG in 1867. The legal predecessors played a significant role in the history of Hungarian industrial development.
The historic path of the Ganz factory had been characterized by revolutionary technical inventions, patents such as the hard cast carriage wheel of Ábrahám Ganz, the hard cast rolling mill of András Mechwart, the distribution system operated by transformers connected in parallel of Károly Zipernowsky, Ottó Bláthy, Miksa Déri, the phase-changing electric locomotive of Kálmán Kandó, the hydraulic turbine of Donát Bánki, the carburator of Donát Bánki and the diesel engine of György Jendrassik.
Ganz Machinery Works Holding is one of the largest machinery works in Hungary, the products of which are related to the rail transport, power generation, water supply, management of water resources, urbanization and environmental protection therefore they play an important role in the formation of Hungarian infrastructure.
Depending on the year and the subsidiary, today 50-90% of the products of the holding group are sold abroad in strong international competition. Our subsidiaries are also subcontractors for leading western companies.
Our products require high quality standards, continuous development, flexibility and great experience in manufacturing. The members of the holding group have been awarded the Quality Assurance registration according to ISO 9001 and 9002 and the necessary special professional qualifications.
From the technological point of view the Holding group is characterized by tailor-made and small-series production. It has a comprehensive range of machine tools, highly qualified, educated and skilled workers and a flexible approach to enable it to satisfy the specific needs of its customers.