Ábrahám Ganz was the first person in Europe to use the hard casting method with great success in the manufacture of railway carriage wheels. By the invention of the manufacture of hard cast carriage wheel he greatly contributed to the establishment of safe and large-scale railway traffic. 23 November 1867 was a milestone in the history of Ganz as the casting of the 100.000th hard cast carriage wheel was completed on that day.






András Mechwart was the inventor of the revolutionary, hard cast rolling mill with new channelling which spread all over the world in the milling industry.



Gyula Gulden
was the founder of the Hungarian hydraulic turbine manufacture in Ganz. Inventor of the Ganz-system bell bearing.






Donát Bánki acquired world-wide reputation by the development of the Bánki hydraulic turbine suitable for exploitation of Hungarian rivers of very small head and other significant patents (e.g. internal combustion engine with water-injection).




Miksa Déri, Titusz Ottó Bláthy és Károly Zipernowsky applied for a patent in 1885 regarding the parallel connection of the invented transformers. This invention solved the problem of long-distance transmission of direct electric current and its distribution to the consumers.






Kálmán Kandó was the designer of the three-phase A.C. railway traction system. His activity made him one of the best pioneers in the field of electric railway traction.





Viktor Kaplan designed a new type of hydraulic turbine with adjustable blades, especially suitable for the exploitation of the energy of slow-flowing rivers.




György Jendrassiky invented a very flexible, simple construction, four-stroke engine with pre-combustion chamber perfectly suitable for railway traction purposes. The diesel engines type Ganz-Jendrassik perfectly stood the test in practice.




Imre Botka elaborated the Ganz-Botka evolving gear system and the modelling according to triple equilibrium.





The patents of Dr. József Varga were mainly related to pumping stations, hydro-turbine plants and to the development of hydrodynamic machinery.

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